Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Randleski: have you ever wondered if you were adopted?
HoagieL: yes, but more a, where-did-i-come-from scenario, rather than, i-think-the-milkman-looks-more-like-me-than-my-father scenario
Randleski: so you've seriously considered it?
Randleski: or were you just teasing?
Randleski: have you made your parents convince you that you weren't adopted? that could be sort of fun
HoagieL: ha ha....no...but i think i just might try
HoagieL: that has potential to get ugly though
Randleski: not unless you are really serious about it. or if they come clean
HoagieL: could be a fun dinner convo. see how long you can keep on the subject without them admitting to having had sex
HoagieL: then dinner would be over

After some very careful consideration, I hypothesize that my parents would claim I was adopted before admitting to having sex. Let's see if I'm right...they're coming to visit in two weeks.


Blogger Brian said...

Just be glad you don't have the opposite problem: My step-mother is way too open about her and my father's sex life. She used to come downstairs in her cowboy hat, slap my dad on the ass, and say in front of my dumbfounded guests, "Come to bed horsie. Mama wants to RIDE!" A few minutes later the light fixtures would start swinging, and you'd have to do your best to ignore her singing, "I'm a long tall Texan. I ride a big white horse ...".

5:12 AM  
Blogger Wander Lust said...

If only our family get togethers were as exciting, Brian!
I wish I had the same foresight as you, Lauren. Unfortunately, I rely on my memory to remember specific conversations, which never seems to work out well. I think the main problem lies in the aliens. Nightly they sneak into my bedroom, and steal my memories, selling them to someone in China. I need to learn how to copy and paste.

9:30 PM  

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