Monday, November 01, 2004

My statement has become a question

I've been working on my personal statement. I want it to be stellar, but as such I know it'd be a misrepresentation of my true self. I have no clue as to how to begin. I've never been a fan of defining my positive qualities on paper for the whole world to see, or even just a few collegiate academics. Most of the time I feel I'm a walking contradiction, painting myself in one light only to act in a completely antithetical manner. This may sound strange, given I've previously denied you any sound understanding of my nature, but if you were me, and praise whomever you chose you aren't, what would you claim to be your (my) strengths/weaknesses?

I've always hoped that my experiences would speak more reputably than my words, and to varying degrees I'm sure they do, but schools still require this lame statement, which ironically enough, is rarely personal and completely b.s. rather than a truthful statement. Can I get away with, "I don't know?" "U.K. is a last resort to simply pass another year studying while attempting to determine what it is I really want out of life...or else get accepted into Columbia's human rights program."

I don't even know what it is I want to study. Poli sci, Spanish, international diplomacy, philosophy, peace and conflict can you write a personal statement when you have nothing to state?


Blogger Brian said...

Here you go. No application fees and the programmes are only a year long. I probably won't be here in the autumn, but I'd be happy to help you with any arrangements on this end in the meantime.

9:05 AM  
Blogger said...

Glad to see you're taking some sort of steps in some sort of direction. There's nothing wrong with doing all those things, but I would advise tackling them one at a time. Before you start listing your strengths however, try asking the daisy why it's petals are white. And don't forget, "sexy when wet" goes to the top of the list.

Liz, you're not getting'd have to be dumb to start with.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Chishiki Lauren said...

Liz - isn't that such a great cd? I love when he does Nicolas Cage..."Who, what, where?" Good stuff.

Remember Rent? You must have sat out front of that damn theatre for hours in the freezing cold. Ooo, and shopping with "discombobulated" Nate. Parties at Tom Smith's house, BTS (ugh,) Delts, Andy the "soccer player." Once you left it just wasn't the same. But, that last semester living with the guys was pretty close. Man, let's do it all again.

9:01 PM  

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