My coffeemaker broke this morning. My very own personal hell.
Obviously, that is excluding Dante's presupposition of a tiered hell. Should that be the case, we have, as follows:
First circle, watching a movie directed by no-talent hacks, second, paying to see a movie directed by no-talent hacks...when you're ungainfully self-employed[read::unemployed.] Third, running into acquaintances from high school that feel the need to ask if I remember EVERY individual in our graduating class. There's about a 2% chance I remember anyone from high school. Fourth, three country music channels on the radio and only one classic rock, fifth, people asking me what I plan on doing with my future and why I don't have a job because my brother has no problem finding a job and neither do my friends, sixth, getting roped into uninteresting conversations with even more uninteresting crowded bars...because no amount of alcohol can make you more interesting. Attractive, maybe. Interesting, no hope. Seventh, the grocery. Eight, being hit the grocery., NOW, we have no coffee.