Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I have been smited

Last night was undeniably nothing short than the wrath of god beating down upon me. At the suggestion of Scott I went for a ride to the base of the mts and planned on doing a little hiking, only I kept stopping every 5 minutes to take pictures.....nothing's changed. The sky was a shade of blue I have never before seen, out of a crayola box that is, and I had to capture it....which I hope the following pictures do. Later that night on the ride home I discovered the cause of such a brilliant blue......ALL HELL WAS BREAKING LOOSE!!!!! It was absolutely insane. I had to walk the bike home because I was physically blowing over. I have never seen a storm quite like that. It kept me up all night, considering I sleep next to two huge windows, with very thin drapes, and the wind kept howling through the cracks of the shoddy Japanese construction that is my house. I found my bike about 6 houses down the street this morning, which really confused me because that bike is the only distinguishing factor between one house and the next. Now, 8 hours later, nothing has changed. The wind is still going at's nothing short of a hurricane, though I've never actually experienced a hurricane, so how would I know?

But it's crazy, that's all I have to say. I fear for my life.

I can only hope god's wrath doesn't look over that shkeevy little mouse that's been cohabitating with me in the house...I didn't sign on for a roommate.


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