Thursday, November 11, 2004

Too much info

So, your eyes are about to furrow in utter confusion, and you may learn a few things about me you wish you didn’t know. Last night, at yet another convo class gathering, Noguchi-san, the incompetent-but-loveable director, asked me to make balloon animals for his daughter at home. And like a true idiot (true to self rather, I suppose) I complied. You may ask, how do I know how to make balloon animals…I’ll tell you…I don’t. I’ve got no fucking clue. None. Ha-you should have seen me, looking completely lame and frustrated, and laughing the whole damn time. My first attempt blew up in my face, proving to be my comedic fifteen minutes of fame. People like to laugh at my misfortune. I’m used to it. The second attempt, by all accounts, or maybe just my own, ROCKED! It was a crappy little dog which required about ten minutes of twisting, untwisting, retwisting, and under my breath expletives, and I’m still not entirely sure I did it, but there’s a picture somewhere. I’ll be sure to misplace it for you. My credentials as a balloon artist are weak, at best. Limited to a few months training as a (almost afraid to say it) clown, under some lunatic named, I kid you not, Professor Bubba. I’m not sure what enticed me to take lessons, boredom…that’s usually the case. And now I regret having told you, you probably have some deep-seeded, juvenile fear of clowns…but keep in mind, that was a loooooooong time ago, and I’ve forgotten everything I learned, and I probably sucked anyway. I think I just wanted an excuse to have blue hair.


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