Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I am the proudest monkey

Revelation time! We have finally solved the conundrum that is Japanese fashion. If you would like to emulate the style worn by all Japanese under the age of 30, follow these simple instructions.

1. Go to GoodWill, or, for that matter, any thrift store, vintage store, or garbage pile, and buy/steal $100 worth of clothes.
2. Put them all on, at once...layers, lots of layers people.
3. Now go out in public.

I saw a guy wipe out on his bike yesterday. Just completely ate the sidewalk. I thought for sure I'd be the first, but no....surprisingly not.

The Board of Education threw me a welcoming party on one told me about it. Hence, I was not there, and hence, it would have sucked with or without my presence.

hooray for Japanese organizational skills!

I'm expected to discuss my team teaching ideas and lesson plans with the first grade teacher in about 20 minutes. WHAT?!?!?!?!? You mean this entire time I've been sitting on my ass doing absolutely nothing save stooping to an all time boredom low I was supposed to be doing work? I thought I was just getting paid to add some ambiance. Right good job I'm doing of it too. Crap, what am I supposed to do now?

In case you're wondering, I'm STILL sick of rice. Neh, repulsed by rice is more like it. Well done indeed...sure I can manage 11 more months.


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