Wednesday, September 08, 2004

We all live under the same sky...

...mine just seems to hate me more than yours.

So, how did Lauren spend her Tuesday?
a) teaching all the little kiddies English
b) on vaca exploring the unseen Japan

c) holed up in a closet with no provisions other than a flashlight and a bottle of water

If you guessed a, b or d, none of the above, do not pass go and do not collect $200.
If you guessed c, you’re right! You may skip ahead two places.

So that’s it. I spent the good portion of my Tuesday holed up in my closet, the only area of my house devoid of windows. The third typhoon of the season passed through town, causing all kinds of mass chaos and confusion. And let me just say, it was fuck all scarier than anything I’ve ever experienced. By the end of the day my ceiling was leaking, chunks of my roof had blown into my backyard, my bike was nowhere to be found and the mailbox evidently eloped with the bike. I had no water, no power, no nothing. Good times. Now I know why they tell you to fill your tub up for drinking water. I’m still not biting though, that tub is schkeevy.

And the best part… wasn’t cancelled! Nope. Naturally not. They expected me to ride my bike to school, braving gusts of winds capable of knocking down trees, holding a flashlight in one hand and an umbrella in the other, all while dodging shrapnel. This is not Pac-Man. I do not dodge. Especially not natural disasters. So I took a holiday. Yup, a day of holiday wasted in the closet…talk about ass suckage.


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